Mesh Denoising

Brief Introduction

Mesh  denoising has been widely used for geometry modeling and processing.  Before raw noisy 3D models, obtained by various methods including  scanners or vision-based 3D reconstruction, can be practically used for a  variety of geometry processing, animation, and rendering applications,  we need to produce their cleaned versions via mesh denoising. The main  technical bottleneck of designing robust mesh denoising algorithms is to  automatically identify various geometric features of interest (i.e.,  sharp and shallow features) on noisy models. Furthermore, this issue  will become more challenging when heavy noise is present and/or input  meshes are irregularly sampled.


The general process of a mesh denoising approach.


From  left to right: initial surface, surface corrupted by Gaussian noise in  random directions with standard deviation σ = 0.4le (le is the mean edge  length), bilateral filtering [Fleishman et al. 2003], prescribed mean  curvature flow [Hildebrandt and Polthier 2004], mean filtering [Yagou et  al. 2002], bilateral normal filtering [Zheng et al. 2011], our method.  The wireframe shows folded triangles as red edges. This figure is  extracted from [He and Schafer 2013].



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