An Augmented-Reality MMORPG Game


The  game designed in this project is a multi-player online role-playing  game based on Android platform. Characters in this game gain experience  from killing creatures, gathering fruit and collecting equipment, in  order to upgrade character level and strengthen character attributes.  Augmented Reality (AR) is applied to this game. GPS coordinates of  client devices are used to control the behavior of characters. Multiple  players can play simultaneously on the game server and players can  communicate and co-operate with each other while playing.

Architecture of the Gaming System

World Server keeps  the virtual world running and exchanges information of the virtual  world with Android clients. Each World Server covers a part of the  virtual world which corresponds to an area of the real world.

Login Server handles login requests from Android clients and assigns a world server to each client according to their GPS locations.

World Database stores information of the corresponding world server, including attributes of creatures, plants, buildings and equipments etc.

Login Database manages user account data and status of world servers.

Character Database stores all the information of player characters such as their attributes, skills, pets, equipments and social relations.

Android Client provides the user interface.


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This  material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and  technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors  or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are  expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each  author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted  without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.

Architecture of the World Server

World server is the core component of the gaming system. It consists of four subsystems:

  • Object subsystem that manages objects in the game world

  • Map subsystem that deals with position of objects

  • Action subsystem that controls behavior of units

  • Network subsystem that communicates with clients

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