Flash Redirection


Flash Redirection from VDI Server to VDI Client under Virtual Desktop Infrastructure(VDI).

Without Flash Direction

Without  Flash Redirection, the server gets Flash Content from Flash Resource  Website, renders the Flash Content , compresses the Flash data after  rendering and send screen updates to VDI Client.

With Flash Direction

With  Flash Redirection, Flash is downloaded and displayed in VDI Client.  When Internet Explorer needs to play a Flash, Flash Redirection System  intercepts the commands IE sends to Flash object using a pseudo Flash  object and sends the commands to VDI Client to execute. VDI Client gets  Flash Content from Flash Resource Website and renders it.

Flash Redirection procedure

  1. Hook IE’s Flash construction function. When IE needs to construct a flash, construct a pseudo flash object instead.

  2. Create a container in VDI Client.

  3. Create a real Flash Object in VDI Client’s Container.

  4. Pseudo flash object intercepts Flash Commands from IE.

  5. Pseudo flash object sends Flash Commands to VDI Client’s Flash Object to execute.

  6. Flash Object in VDI Client gets Flash Contents to play a flash.

System Architecture


  1. Much better flash playing experience than that without Flash Redirection.

  2. Much lower bandwidth cost.

  3. Lower VDI Server’s CPU burend.



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This  material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and  technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors  or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are  expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each  author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted  without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.

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