Storage architectures based on NVM


To fully explore the merits of non-volatile memory(NVM), we carry out our work from three aspects.

  • Firstly, we focus on the hardware architectures based on NVM. The mainstream architectures are depicted by Figure 1.

  • Secondly, because NVM is very different form HDD and the traditional system software layer is designed and optimized based on HDD. We need to design a more suitable software layer for NVM.

  • Thirdly, we also study the system solutions which are suitable in data centers and virtualization environment.


Figure 1. Different storage architectures.


To evaluate the efficiency of the new hardware architectures, we use two types of platforms.

First we use our self-developed simulators.

Second we build the real hardware based on FPAG.

Figure 2 and Figure 3 show the details.

Figure 2. Hardware Platform

Figure 3. Logical architecture



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